Saturday, September 09, 2006

FEATURED POST: Mica's MyVillage Mobile phone co

This idea is so amazing that we are giving it its very own post! (oooh....ahhhhhh) Yes, breaking with our established tradition (of five ideas in one post) we dedicate this post to Mica's Mobile Phone idea. Send us your ideas and if they're as good as this one, you too might be honored with featured post!

OK, hear me out.
This is something me and Sara and Carlos thought up after an evening of wine drinking.

Like Working Assets but so much better because, you see,
A) would have the BEST, COOLEST, most top notch tech-fancy phones to go with each service plan.

B) each phone sold, in addition to being a completely awesome, is directly linked to a small village in some lesser advantaged (think rural india) country. They also get a super cool fancy top notch MyVill Mo' Pho', with your number on auto dial.

YOU are a first world self-focused workin' person, trying to get by in the city make a name for your self, despite college loans and the rising cost of living - but at the same time concerned about the world as a whole and unsure how you, personally can help?
Look no further, not only will you have the latest in Mo' Pho' technologies, you will also be doing your part to save the world.
This is how it works, part of your monthly plan includes a $1, $3, $5 adittional plan that goes directly to your assigned village, this money will help them with purchase of grain and other necessities.
When your village has need for something, they simply text you, their First World Mo' Pho' Buddy, and say some thing like ' our goat was killed by a rival tribe - we need another goat for milk. Please help us, we need 4USD to purchase another and a backup one.' This is followed by a message from MyVillage Mobile Co. 'to help your village, dial 530 now' it then simply adds the additional $4.00 to your bill at the end of the month.
Think how great you will feel, if you personally could be saving children on a smoke break from shitty temp job.

Anyways we are looking for venture capital for this one, so, let me know if you're interested.

your five a day - day 2

1) you knew it was coming, following close on the heels of its more popular elder sibling. myfiveaday is almost identical to yourfiveaday except myfiveaday was made just for me, or rather you, or rather you reading my as me. Eventually myfiveaday and yourfiveaday will lock horns in heated battle. Smashing conventions and making many unsuspecting readers millions of dollars off our brain trust. Ah the joys of capitalism.

2) Lipstick Mirror: Credit goes out to Anna Beard for this one. Every have trouble applying your lipstick evenly without a mirror? I do. Do you find yourself trying to make out your reflection in the door of the subway while passenger look at you like you're some self obsessed freak? Yes. Well then, you should implement this idea. Produce a lipstick which has a little mirror on the end of the cap. Discrete, simple, effective, easy! Just uncap lipstick, turn it over and presto - perfect lipstick application everytime --- yessss! (I feel like this might already be an implemented idea, but it is certainly not as pervasive as it should be) - send us other ideas for things that need mirrors on them.

3) Iconoclast Fast-track: We all know your supposed to eat your greens, study hard, get immunized, go to college, get an internship, wear the suit and gradually work your way up the corporate ladder to blissful mediocrity...but what about the rest of us? The ones who got away, those thousands of inquiring bodies and minds who decided to become prep chefs in hilltop trattorias, midwives in palestine, or read joyce to blind business executives. Where shall they go when they want to dip their toe in the water? I propose a portal where these people can create profiles for themsleves replete with photographs of their exploits, audio reports, online journals, etc. and there would also be lists of places to work, collabroative ideas and even recruiting for people with leadership and creativity.

4) Anything involving Marquis de Sade:
This much maligned historical figure has been in the shadows for two long. I say its about time for him to be brought back with bells on, why not make him a franchise! Movies, television, books and of course those little plastic figurines everyone loves...

5) Freebox:
Welcome to NYC the world's largest outdoor fleamarket! Ever walk by piles of piled up street goods, mirrors, sofas, picture frames, chairs, used condoms all in perfectly reasonable shape going untouched and unloved. I know we all feel a twinge of shame when we walk past these engorged piles of perfectly good goods thinking, "if only that perfectly reasonable looking 'x' weren't sitting outside festering like a pile rotting fish guts in a vietnamese gambling parlor, I might consider taking it home with me and sparing the world yet another article of wasted crap." Well worry no longer FREEBOX envisions a series of municipcally sanctioned and publically accessible "goods stations" where people can put things in they no longer want and people can take them without fear of being mistaken for being homeless.

your very first ever five a day - day 1

Great business ideas which you are free to copy, plagarize, adapt, steal, sell, and/or otherwise use as you see fit:

1) Ok, had to be the first one! :) It's a wonderful idea because I like to sit around and think. Who doesn't like to sit around and think? And thanks to your readership and continued contributions this will become a very successful business idea.

2) confirmed identity: The internet is constantly becoming more and more interactive. With programs like Second Life growing on the horizon there will surely be a whole new class of internet imposters. Confirmed identity would be a verification system, perhaps by allowing avatars to carry a C.I. stamp, somehow imbedded in their html DNA so that other members of any given community would be assured of the identity of those they are dealing with.

3) the fantasy idea: Start going to sommelier school. Delve in the inebriating history of wines from around the world. Then, quit your job. Start working at a wonderful restaurant apprenticing for a full time position. Can you imagine if your job was to actually taste wines for a living! Then after an appropriatly dignified tenure as a sommelier you could become a writer for a prominent wine magazine like wine spectator? Or start your own magazine! Basically, I like wine - this is only a great business idea if you take the words 'idea' and 'business' with a grain of salt.

4) Petite clothing store for young women: My girlfriend is always complaining about how ready-to-wear clothes never fit her. What a great niche to corner, especially in a slender, tight fitting market like New York. What is out there for petites is focused on an older crowd AND ususally relegated to a few racks tucked out the way!

5) Lost Energy Capture: I must preface by saying, "I am no physicist." I give credit on this one to my friend Dave (thanks dave). Every action requires a certain amount of energy. People working out on machines in the gym create a lot of dead energy. Stair stepping, bike machines, treadmills all require a certain output of energy from the user. Why not harness that energy and feed it back into the power grid? "How?" you ask. I don't know - I just collect interesting ideas.

Let's take this one even further. Is there not a way that we could harness vibrations on roads and bridges, walking sneakers, etc. to reclaim their energy? Any comments on these ideas? Glad to hear them.

Well, I hope you enjoyed this first posting on yourfiveaday. I'm always looking for contributions so feel free to drop me an email with your ideas. I figure - Hey! there's no way I'll ever pull these off - so why not put them out there for someone else!

Dream on, readers, dream on!